Evan mcwhirter
Artist, Creator, Human
Personal Projects:
Frater Nusquam Games
This is my board game development moniker, production on my first game "Crossing the Abyss" is being shopped to various publishers, contact me if you are interested.
Get off the Internet!
the internet is a soul sucking, isolating, and anti-human horrorshow, this is my digital poem and website that helps me expresses my feelings about it https://www.getofftheinternet.info/
Pagan Pizza
This is another ongoing alias and outlet that highlights the crossroads of food and Magick, mostly as it relates to illustration, painting, sculpture and recipes. Most woks unpublished.
DJing/Music Past and Present
Field Report - an ill fated experimental band I was apart of, we sold 10 copies of our first album... if you are not one of those lucky few... https://fieldreport1.bandcamp.com/
These days I just DJ for my wife and cats, but here is my old Soundcloud account... https://soundcloud.com/evanmcwhirter